How to choose LED Flexible Wall Washer for WallWash Lighting

Brief overview of LED Flexible Wall Washer:

From our product pages you can read  what is our LED flexible wall washer strip light. But you may still be doubt that if the LED Flexible Wall Washer can replace the conventional linear wall washer fixture.

To answer question and explain to your doubt, we have taken our samples of 25*45*10 degree an asymmetrical optic 24W Flexach I, one 18W 15 degree Flexach I, and one conventional LED Linear wall washer fixture LL-3548-24W  20*45 symmetrical lens as reference to compare.

Need to highlight that there are different optic lens, like narrow beam 15 degree to wash higher wall or facade, 30 degree for general wall washing, and wide 60 degree to flood illumination on an object surface. Meanwhile, the asymmetrical lens like 25*45*10 or 25*45 will graze the wall to emphasize the texture of a wall surface. But even with this basic knowledge, client will still doubt about the real effect if the light fixtures work as they says.

Thus, this is why we are here to do some testing and show you how to choose our LED flexible wall washer , and solv your doubts.

Criteria for wall washing:- color consitency and uniform light indensity:

Oboviously, lighting experts use this criteria to evaluate the wall lighting quality for both indoor room and outdoor wall or facade. Why?

For interior room, wall lighting aims to present the wall in its capacity as the surface delineating the room; on the other hand, wall illumination can be a mean of indirect general lighting for a room. Relatively, vertical illumination emphasises the wall surfaces in terms of their physical make-up. The room is made to look bigger by brightening its walls and ceiling etc.

For the outdoor wall and facade, wall wash lighting at night extends one’s perception and defines spatial limits. Vertical illumination is significant in the visual surroundings for identifying areas in terms of their form, regardless of whether they are facades or walls covered with climbing plants.  The arrangement of the luminaires is dependent on the desired uniformity and illuminance.

When talking about the luminaires arrangement, linear light sources for wallwashing  provide a perfectly even brightening of the wall comparing to the point light source. Using various types of  lens, an extremely even illumination of the whole wall can be achieved, even in the higher area right up to the ceiling.

Testing model established:

Therefore, we choose a 3 meters high white wall in a dark room to establish the lab. LED flexible wall washer samples lay on floor in a straight line to illuminate the wall verticially. Based on this model, we took further 3 steps to finish the test.

1: Light up wall washer samples and reference samples

LED Linear Wall Washer LL-3548 24W 20-45 15cm to wall

LED Linear Wall Washer LL-3548 24W 20*45degree  15cm to wall

LED Flexible Wall Washer Flexarch I 24W 254510 15cm to wall

LED Flexible Wall Washer Flexarch I 24W 25*45*10degree asymmetric  15cm to wall

LED Flexible Wall Washer FLexarch I 18W 15degree 15cm to wall

LED Flexible Wall Washer FLexarch I 18W 15degree 15cm to wall

2: Light up both wall washer samples and reference samples in the same straight line

Flexarch I 24W vs LL-3548 at Same offset to wall 15cm

LED Flexible Wall Washer Flexarch I 24W vs LL-3548 at Same offset to wall 15cm

LED Fllexible Wall Washer Flexarch I 18W 15degree vs LL-3548 24W 2045 15cm offste to wall

LED Flexible Wall Washer Flexarch I 18W 15degree vs LL-3548 24W 2045 15cm offste to wall